Navigating the Coronavirus

Laredo Morning Times | | Sunday, June 14, 2020 | E7 50th Anniversary For more information on TAMIU’s 50th anniversary, follow TXAMIU on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn and Spotify, use the hashtag #TAMIU50 and visit the school’s website at . ments were videos that focused on subjects including English, math, science, Spanish, physical education and more. Students filmed them- selves explaining different topics in their subject of choice and noted what age level the lesson is suitable for and for what education specialty. Awards and partnerships For their many efforts and the university’s response to the pandem- ic, the 2020 Educate to Career Col- lege ranking placed TAMIU in Tier I for higher education institutions for their response. In order to reach the highest tier, a university should have a full cur- riculum online and in the classroom but is required to have a strong dis- tance learning program, experienced distance learning faculty and reason- able tuition and fees, the ETC stated. And for long-term support, the university also partnered with the U.S. Census, Webb County and the City of Laredo to promote the im- portance of the census and encour- age the community to fill it out be- fore the deadline. To promote it, students were filmed providing in- formation and h i gh l i gh t i ng its importance regarding the allocation of funds by the gove r nmen t . They also de- tailed that the census dead- line will be on July 31 and there are no c i t i z e n s h i p questions. As time passed since the initial out- break, TAMIU staff and stu- dents continue to work hard to support their community. “The 50- year history of Texas A&M International University is hallmarked by continuous engagement in the bet- terment of its hometown beyond its overarching mission of higher edu- cation. Through this engagement, the university has measurably advanced and improved life here,” Arenaz said. “From its earliest days as Texas A&I University at Laredo on to its identity as Laredo State University and now TAMIU, the university community has always championed engagement, leadership and service in a broad spectrum of initiatives with lasting impacts.” Photo by Danny Zaragoza/Laredo Morning Times

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