Diversity in Higher Education

E4 | Sunday, July 12, 2020 | lmtonline.com | Laredo Morning Times 50th Anniversary tivist and a Spanish professor, Dr. Irma Cantu has organized marches and has written about female writers and their struggles. As the world is made up of 51% women, Cantu said that there needs to be more women in power and a greater understand- ing of the unfairness in the current system. “We all have to acknowledge that we live in a system that tends to be unfair to women. It will require many steps to reach a non-biased gender community,” Cantu said. “It is a long journey, so empathy, soli- darity and strength are the qualities we need to develop in order to suc- ceed. “Currently, I am writing an ar- ticle on three female poets from our region who have written about vio- lence from a very different perspec- tive than more visible male narra- tors. It is a topic of major importance to all as female voices have system- atically been ignored. These voices should join other representations to really reveal a more complex under- standing of the phenomena.” Dr. Conchita Hickey, Dean Emer- ita and Senior Lecturer, believes that young women look to other women in leadership positions for direction, inspiration and clarity of vision for their own lives. Women everywhere deserve to be taught as young girls that they can achieve anything and to be empowered through education, politics, finances and more. She said that diverse ideas, opin- Photos by Christian Alejandro Ocampo / Laredo Morning Times Students marched through TAMIU in commemoration of International Women’s Day A 2019 TAMIU Dance Recital showcases multiple groups dancing folklorico, hip-hop and more.

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