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You Can Now Make Tax-Free Gifts Directly


In August of 2006, Congress passed a law that allows people who are at least 70-1/2 to make gifts directly from their Individual Retirement Accounts to a charity, and avoid paying income taxes on the amounts that are paid. Formerly, any funds withdrawn from an IRA were subject to income taxes, even if they were given to a charity. Here are some summary points about the new law: 


The provision allowing tax-free charitable gifts is time limited. It will apply to gifts made before December 31, 2007. It also applies retroactively to gifts made earlier in 2006.
You must be at least 70-1/2 to take advantage of this provision.
The law applies to gifts from IRAs totaling up to $100,000 in any tax year. Gift amounts over $100,000 from an IRA are still subject to income tax.
Gifts from IRAs do not count in the 50% limitation rule that says that taxpayers cannot deduct more that 50%of their adjusted gross income in any year as charitable contributions.
If you have an IRA and would like to make a gift to Texas A&M International University directly from your IRA without ever having to pay taxes on it, simply ask your IRA administrator to write TAMIU a check and send it to TAMIU. You will receive a written gift acknowledgement, which will allow you to avoid income taxes on your gift.

Sample IRA Contribution Form (.pdf)

If you have questions about this new law, please contact Candy Hein, Vice President for Institutional Advancement, 956.326.2175, or
e-mail tamiugiving@tamiu.edu 



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