TAMIU Annual Report 2019

2019 Annual Report / AWORLDOF DIFFERENCE Groundbreaking for Phase III of the campusmarksa$49.5millionexpansion including the Student Development Center,theCenterfortheStudyofWestern HemisphericTradeandtheCenterforthe Fine and Performing Arts. 2000 The30thAnniversaryCelebration,“Dreams to Reality,” is a year-long observation of milestones. It includes a Gala, a historical exhibit, theDusty FunRun, A. R. Sanchez, Sr. Distinguished Lecture Series and a closing barbeque. 2000 Dr. J. Charles Jennett packs up his trademark TAMIU cowboy boots and bids the University adieu. Dr. Ray Keck becomes TAMIU’s fifth president Sept. 1, 2001 and serves as president through 2016. 1999 2003 Groundbreaking for Phase IV is presided over by Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst. It includes a Science building highlighted by a glass pyramid housing a Planetarium.

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