TAMIU Annual Report 2019

2019 Annual Report / AWORLDOF DIFFERENCE Tano Tijerina, ’02... FromthePlaying Field toCounty Leadership. What University course would you take all over again today? History, now that I am older and have more experience I appreciate the significance of history and leaving a positive legacy for future generations to look back on. Especially local history, learning about local pioneers and settlers inWebb County and surrounding areas. Who was your favorite professor and why? Dr. Carlos Eliseo Cuellar. He was a practical teacher who genuinely loved teaching. There’s a common saying that says, “love what you do and you will never work a day in your life” – he personified that. When did you know that your hard work had paid off and your degree hadmade a “World of Difference” for you? Up until my senior year in college, I was working towards obtaining a degree formy family.Mywifewould constantly endorse the importance of an education, and encourageme to seek a higher level of education for my children. They weremy driving force until my senior year –- at that moment it dawned on me that I was doing this for ME. That no matter what happened in life, no onewas going to stripme fromthat piece of paper that I worked hard for. What would your advice be to today’s students as they make their way through their University experience? Experience life outside the classroom, through internships, volunteering and extracurricular activities. Those experienceswill really helpguide you in the direction you need to go for your career. What’s your proudest accomplishment to date? As a humanbeingmy proudest accomplishmentwouldhave tobemy two biological children and my two adopted children. Because they remind me every day of God’s love. Tell us what you’re doing today career or life-wise and what you look forward to each day: Today I am your proud 23rd Webb County Judge. Every day I look forward tomaking a difference in our community andmakingWebb County the best County it can be. Tijerina also played baseball professionally.

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