TAMIU Annual Report 2019

2019 Annual Report / AWORLDOF DIFFERENCE 37 Trailblazers/ DIFFERENCE Robert P. Hernández, ’05… MarketingGuruand Championof Culture. What University course would you take all over again today? MKT 4310 International Marketing: “Comparative analysis of cultural, legal, political, economic, and technolog- ical environments as they affectmarketing strategy in the internationalmar- ketplace. Special emphasis onproblems of themulti- national corporation and its role in the currentworld economy.” In this ever-changingworld, my love for marketing, cultures, andglobal busi- ness iswhat excitesme to continue to learnabout all the internationalmarket- places through culture, politics, economics, and current techenvironments. Who was your favorite professor and why? Dr. JyotsnaMukherji. Simply said, any classwithDr.Mukherji felt like you were acknowledged and critiqued by one of the best in the industry. Having any positive feedback fromher meant that you had the skills and talent to succeed in marketing. I recall having a bigpresentation as our final examwhich counted for a large percentage of our grade. Her reaction to this daymademe know that I was on the right pathandwas destined for a great career. Further- more, her doorwas always open for career advice. When did you know that your hard work had paid off and your degree hadmade a “World of Difference” for you? I knew I hadmade a difference when I was sought out by universities and colleagues in my field of work to give speeches on my career path, and experiences in design, branding, advertising, trademarks, and promotions. What would your advice be to today’s students as they make their way through their University experience? Through various speeches thatwere given at high schools inTexas and Alabama, I simply stated this: get involvedwith as many extracurric- ular activities during your high school years. This way you are able to identifywhat your fortes are andwhat you’remost passionate about. What’s your proudest accomplishment to date? My learning experiences at TAMIU helped guide me to become the CreativeDirector for BBVAand startmy own 501c3 non-profit, Alabama Multicultural Organization. At BBVA, I am able to work with over 35 countries and manage over six employees that producemarketingmaterial throughout theUSA. With Alabama Multicultural, I’ve been able to impact thousands of students andmy community inAlabama through arts, music, dance, film, theatre, food, and sports. Furthermore, I was also one of the first in my school district to be awarded the first-ever Distinguished Alumni Award. Tell us what you’re doing today career or life-wise and what you look forward to each day: Currently, I am the Creative Director for BBVA USA. Daily, as a hobby, Imanagemy non-profit, AlabamaMulticultural Or- ganizationafter-hours tohelppromote inclusionanddiversity through culture inAlabama.We host various events throughout Alabama such as theAlabama Coffee Fest, Street Fair, Night Out, Cinema, Dia de los Muertos, Pride Fest, andother events that help celebrate our cultures through arts, music, dance, film, theatre, food, and sports.

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