TAMIU Annual Report 2023

opportunity was bolstered by undergraduate research experiences, including undergraduate research under Dr. Sharmin Hasan, assistant professor of Biology, Dr. Michael Kidd, associate professor and chair of the TAMIU department of Biology and Chemistry, and Dr. Amanda Muñoz, assistant professor of Biology. Vela, a TAMIU junior Biology major, started her college journey as a research volunteer due to her enthusiasm to be a part of the scientific community. She was informed of the opportunity by her University research mentor, Dr. Ruvini Pathirana, TAMIU assistant professor of Microbiology, who emphasized engaging in different opportunities. “Undergraduate research can be valuable to all students – students will learn the classroom topics and concepts by being involved in it through research. Undergraduate research experiences hone the skills that all employers seek in college graduates such as teamwork, time-management, effective communication skills, analytical skills and critical thinking skills,” said Dr. Pathirana. STAY SOCIAL. WE <3 SEEING YOU ON SOCIAL, DUSTDEVILS! HERE’S SOME OF OUR “VIRAL” SOCIAL MEDIA POSTINGS. #TXAMIU Ana Ramos 24

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