TAMIU Campus Plan Master Plan Update, May 2023

124 Texas A&M International University C/ APPENDIX SANITARY The TAMIU wastewater collection system discharges into the City of Laredo wastewater collection system via force main (6” force main on the East side and 8” Force main on the South side, refer City of Laredo GIS exhibits). The wastewater is treated at the City of Laredo’s any of the six Wastewater Treatment Plants. There is one 8-inch connection in the Bob Bullock Loop running along the south of the University Blvd. There are two Sewer Lift stations on the site, one on the east side of the Residential Learning Community and another one on the west side of the Jorge Haynes Baseball field. The existing gravity sanitary system is in good operating condition. The existing lift stations on campus run approximately 3.5 hours. Six hours of run time is the maximum capacity of the lift station force main system. The existing lift stations need to be examined carefully and future development may require an upgrade to the existing lift stations and force mains. Future expansion of sanitary will require an upgrade to the existing lift stations and force mains. Currently the existing lift station is at approximately 60% capacity. The attached City of Laredo GIS exhibits and PDF exhibit shows the location of the Sewer Force main, Sewer main, Sewer Manholes and Lift Stations. Near-Term Plan: The proposed renovation of the Lobby at the Student Village (Key D) has a 12-inch Sanitary line east to the University Blvd. The renovation of the facility can be provided Sanitary service with a major extension from the 12-inch line on the east. If an existing sanitary connection point exists, the pipe size and the new flow rates need to be verified to make sure the existing Sanitary sewer can be utilized. The proposed Business addition building (Key C) sits on top of 12-inch Sanitary sewer line and right next to the Western Hemispheric Trade Center. This existing facility already sits on top of the 12-inch Sanitary line which needs to be re-routed and existing Sanitary line underneath the building needs to be abandoned in place (see the attached exhibit). The proposed business addition building can be provided Sanitary service with some major extension. The proposed Health Science Center (Key A) sits on an existing 12-inch Sanitary line that connects to the Sewer Lift Station on the South and is adjacent to the 12-inch Sanitary line. The existing 12-inch Sanitary will require rerouting (see the attached exhibit). The proposed Health Science Center can be provided Sanitary service without any major extensions. The proposed Nursing building (Key B) has 12-inch Sanitary line on the West side of the building. The proposed Nursing building can be provided Sanitary Service without any major extensions. The student Housing Building at the Student Village (Key E) is proposed to be demolished. These existing buildings might have Sanitary lateral tie-ins, these Sanitary lines need to be demolished or abandoned in place. Mid-Term Plan: The proposed Academic buildings (Key H and G) has 12-inch on the East side. These buildings can be provided Sanitary connection with major extension. The proposed student Housing (Key F) has a 6-inch Sewer Force Main on the South side of the proposed buildings. The proposed Student Housing can be provided Sanitary connection without major extension. Flow rates for the proposed student housing may require upsizing the Sewer Force main. Replacing the Sewer Lift Station should be part of this renovation with connection to the existing lift station. Long-Term Plan: The proposed administrative building (Key P) sits on the existing 12-inch Sanitary line and this line needs to be re-routed (see the attached exhibit). The Sanitary service to the new building can be provided from the re-routed 12-inch Sanitary on the West side. The proposed administrative building (Key Q) has 8-inch Sanitary line on the South side and a portion of the proposed building sits on the existing 8-inch line which which will require removal from under the building footprint. The proposed facility can be provided Sanitary service without any major line extensions. The proposed FPA expansion (Key I) doesn’t have Sanitary lines adjacent to it, there’s one 8-inch Sanitary sewer main and 8-inch Sewer Force Main to the south of the University Blvd. The expansion of FPA building can be provided Sanitary service and requires major line extensions. The proposed student life building (Key O) and academic buildings (Key K, L, M&N) have a 12-inch Sanitary line and 8-inch re-routed Sanitary line (see the reference in the nearterm plan) in between Key O and Key M. These buildings can be provided Sanitary services with some major and minor extensions to the buildings from the main 12-inch or 8-inch lines. The proposed student housing (Key J) has 8-inch Sanitary main on the North side. The new student housing can be provided Sanitary service from existing lines without major extension. If the flow rates are more then the Sanitary main needs to be upgraded to accommodate the flow rate. The proposed Arena (Key R) and Ball Fields (Key S) do not have any Sanitary service nearby and would require proposing a new 8-inch or 12-inch Sanitary mains depending upon the flow rate. These lines will need to be connected to the city with new tie-in point or connect to the existing Sanitary system on the TAMUI site which will require upgrading the existing Sanitary system on the site to meet the future demands. The Arena and Ball Fields can be provided Sanitary service with major line extension. The long-term plan may require upsizing the Sanitary mains as per the demand.

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