TAMIU Campus Plan Master Plan Update, May 2023

130 Texas A&M International University C/ APPENDIX CIVIL-COST REDUCTION NARRATIVE Near-Term Plan: • For the building Key D, water and sanitary connections will be individual building costs as it will be lateral connection to the building only. There is no storm infrastructure needed as the water is and will be sheet flowing towards south. • For the building Key C, water connection will be individual cost as it will be lateral connection to the building only. As far as the Sanitary goes, existing Sanitary is underneath the Western Hemispheric Trade Center but as best method practices the utilities shouldn’t be under the building, so we proposed to abandon that line and add a new line around the building. This cost can’t be reduced as we must connect back the Sanitary lines as it is part of the main 12” Sanitary line. Storm infrastructure removal and adding new storm infrastructure comes under individual building cost as it captures only the water around the proposed building and connects back to existing storm infrastructure only. • For the buildings Key B, removal of existing water lines need to be done as it sits under the proposed building footprint. Water and Sanitary connections to this building will be individual building costs as it will be lateral connection to the building only. • For the building Key A, removal of existing sanitary lines and relocating needs to be done as it sits under the proposed building footprint and this sanitary is connected to the lift station. Sanitary connection to the building will be connected to the re-routed sanitary line, this will be individual building cost as well. Water connections to this building will be individual building costs as it will be lateral connection to the building only. The proposed building sits on top of the existing storm infrastructure which needs to be re-routed and this will be under individual building cost as well. Mid-Term Plan: • The proposed Academic building (Key G) sits on an 8-inch water line which will need to be relocated. This water line will be removed as part of the near-term plan for proposed building key B. Major water line extension towards the north is required to provide water connection to this building and will be individual cost to the building. The proposed building sit on 18”/24” RCP storm pipes and there are couple of existing inlets next to building G. These pipes and inlets require rerouting and will be an individual cost to the building. Sanitary line is on the west side and requires major extension to provide sanitary connection to this building and will be individual cost to the building. • The proposed Academic building (Key H) has TAMUI water service connections on the west side of the proposed Health Science Center building and also a 12-inch water line on the east side in the University Blvd. The proposed building can be provided water service with the major (about 610ft) extension from the West side (proposed line is shown in the exhibit attached) as extending the line from the University boulevard includes additional cost of tearing some part of the road. Major water line extension towards the south is required to provide water connection to this building and will be individual cost to the building but will be used in future-term buildings Key K, M, N, O lateral connections. Sanitary line is on the west side and requires major extension to provide sanitary connection to this building and will be individual cost to the building but will be used in future-term buildings Key K, M, N, O lateral connections. The proposed building sits on 18”/24” RCP storm pipes. These pipes require rerouting and will be an individual cost to the building. • The proposed student Housing (Key F) has a 12-inch water service along the University Blvd. on the West side of the proposed buildings. A portion of this water line conflicts with the proposed building footprint so a new 12-inch water line of approximately 310ft) is required in the student housing site and shall tie back into the existing on the North and South side of the new student housing site. The proposed student Housing (Key F) has a 6-inch Sewer Force Main on the South side of the proposed buildings. The proposed Student Housing can be provided Sanitary connection without major extension. Water and Sanitary connections to this building will be individual building costs as it will be lateral connection to the building only. The existing storm infrastructure needs to be relocated and re-routed and will be an individual building. Flow rates for the proposed buildings may require upsizing the Sewer Force main. Replacing the Sewer Lift Station should be part of this renovation with connection to the existing lift station. With the new improvements, we can incorporate some storm water quality ponds, bioswales and retention ponds in the Landscape areas (see the attached exhibit) and connect them to the existing storm infrastructure (or rerouted). These costs will be part of over all development and can’t be defined to individual building.

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