TAMIU Campus Plan Master Plan Update, May 2023

Campus Master Plan Update 15 2 - ANALYSIS & OBSERVATIONS Fall Year Headcount Historic 2010 6,853 2011 7,037 2012 7,213 2013 7,431 2014 7,554 2015 7,192 2016 7,390 2017 7,640 2018 7,884 2019 8,305 2020 8,270 2021 8,145 Projected 2022 8,308 2023 - 2024 - 2025 8,816 2026 - 2027 - 2028 - 2029 - 2030 9,734 2031 - 2032 - 2033 - 2034 - 2035 10,747 TAMIU Enrollment Projections The Campus Plan assumes a 2% annual growth trajectory. Looking out to 2035, this translates to nearly 11,000 students (headcount enrollment). Historic Projected Enrollment For most of the past decade, TAMIU has seen steady growth, growing from a student body of around 7,000 fall semester headcount enrollment in 2011 to a local high point of approximately 8,300 in 2019. This population has leveled off and slightly declined in the past few years, hovering just above 8,000. The COVID-19 pandemic may have had impacts on this leveling off, along with other factors. TAMIU has a unique student body in several respects. First, the student body is made up overwhelmingly of hispanic students, with 93% coming from this demographic. Over 60% of the student body is also first-generation college students. Additionally, TAMIU is comprised of students geographically concentrated around Laredo, with roughly 82% of students coming from within Webb County, and smaller shares to neighboring counties in south Texas. This last point creates a unique challenge for the instuitution. as future forecasts from the Texas State Demographer show leveling or declining trajectory for the college-aged cohort in the coming decades. As the state overall continues to grow, the university may need to expand its recruitment strategy to reach further into other population centers such as San Antonio to meet future enrollment targets.

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