TAMIU Campus Plan Master Plan Update, May 2023

54 Texas A&M International University 3 - CAMPUS PLAN The signature open space is oriented northsouth on axis with the existing Tralblazer Tower on the south facade of the AIC. This landmark frames a view through a new signature pavilion in the center of the open space, creating a flexible shaded space for seating, gathering, and events. In addition to this major feature, outdoor shade structures such as pavilions, trellises, and shade sails, should be implementedas part of the development process rather than simply as independent projects. This strategy ensures that every new construction project for a new building includes an investment in outdoor amenity infrastructure. With the adjacent construction of a residence halls and a new athletic complex to the west, connectivity from the existing campus and the new East Quad should be thoughtfully planned. These new connections can promote the use of bicycles and walk/jog trails; all contributing to a sense of community and commune with nature. Lighting, shade, access to water, and emergency phones should all be considered along these new connectors. Plentiful and aesthetically pleasing signage and way-finding will be helpful to new students and visitors; especially in this new campus area. There may even be an opportunity to feature signage that celebrates and educates everyone on the natural environment and beauty of the landscape encompassing this campus. New tree plantings in this quad should be 4” caliper trees (minimum). When possible, a few trees in open spaces should have a bigger caliper size, to give this new campus area a running start to creating a dense tree canopy as quickly as possible. AIC HSC NUR New East Quad (continued)

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