TAMIU Campus Plan Master Plan Update, May 2023

Summary of Challenges and Opportunities • The vast majority of TAMIU’s affiliates commute from the closest few ZIP codes. With additional resources, active mobility and transit could be more attractive travel options to campus. • TAMIU has a strong campus core for walking, bicycling, and rolling. Strengthening the campus loop and periphery connections is crucial to a safe and vibrant campus. • Parking supply at TAMIU has consistently exceeded parking demand. Improving walkability will reduce perceptions of “no available parking” and ensure all parking facilities are efficiently utilized. • There is a well-established transit ridership despite the limited infrastructure and service availability. TAMIU can consider partnerships with El Metro Transit to improve the rider experience and local transit connectivity. • Transportation Demand Management (TDM) programs such as subsidized transit passes and carpool matching can reduce cost burdens and help manage parking demand at TAMIU. • The upgrade to Bob Bullock Loop may alleviate congestion at campus gateways, however it may also exacerbate access challenges for bicyclists and pedestrians. Coordination with TxDOT will be crucial if TAMIU seeks to improve its “front door” and external connectivity for active mobility users. RECOMMENDATIONS The Master Plan recognizes that driving and parking will remain central to how people access the TAMIU campus. Building too little parking will limit growth and user-friendly access to campus. Building too much parking, however, will maximize vehicle trips and traffic congestion, take up more campus land with hardscape, and cost a substantial amount of money. A right-sized and cost-efficient parking system, combined with safe and convenient walking, biking, carpooling, and transit investments over the coming decade, will support TAMIU’s place as an institution of higher learning and source of community pride. The transportation and parking recommendations are guided by the Master Plan principles. MASTER PLAN GUIDING PRINCIPLE WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR PARKING & MOBILITY? Create spaces and places that reinforce campus community and culture. • Preserve the pedestrian-oriented core. • Enhance walkable connections as campus grows. • Better connect TAMIU to Laredo. • Use mobility to create a sense of place. Enhance learning and discovery • Reduce transportation as a barrier to education and employment. • Make transportation an asset to getting the best and brightest. • Facilitate more transportation options for lower-income affiliates. Celebrate the natural environment • Encourage sustainable transportation options. • Encourage safe and active travel to, from, and within campus. • Reduce transportation impacts to TAMIU and Laredo. • Prioritize land for nature and core uses, not roads or parking lots. • Emphasize cost-efficient travel modes. 69 Campus Master Plan Update 69 A/ APPENDIX

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