TAMIU Campus Plan Master Plan Update, May 2023

OPTION CROSS-SECTION PROS CONS Option 1: Shared biking and walking path on south side • Flexible space for walking and/or biking • No impacts to travel lanes • Vertical separation between people biking and motor vehicles • Impacts to trees and other vegetation • Higher construction cost • Possible topography challenges Option 2: Onstreet buffered bike lanes and sidewalk • On-street bike facility, consistent with Laredo and Webb County Active Transportation Plan • Easier to minimize impacts to trees • Removes motor vehicle travel lane in each direction • Providing vertical separation (such as bollards) between people biking and motor vehicles is recommended but may be unacceptable for fire access 74 Texas A&M International University A/ APPENDIX University Boulevard Figure 13 Existing Cross-Section on University Boulevard Figure 14 Potential Cross-Sections for University Boulevard 2. Redesign University Boulevard for multimodal access. When the Bob Bullock Loop reconstruction is completed, University Boulevard will be the last missing link for people who wish to walk and bicycle to campus from other parts of Laredo. The Laredo and Webb County MPO 2020 Active Transportation Plan proposes an on-street bicycle lane on University Boulevard in the 20-year timeframe. TAMIU should work with the City and MPO to determine the best design for this facility. The existing cross-section is shown in Figure 13 and two future options are illustrated in Figure 14. 3. Redesign Loop Road to support a “park once” campus. The existing design and use of Loop Road provides an opportunity to better support walking and bicycling through campus. Currently there are sidewalks on portions of the road, but substantial gaps exist. On-street parking sees low utilization (average of 33% peak occupancy over the past five years), and some segments have multiple travel lanes in one or both directions, which may not be needed to support the volume of traffic. Buildings and parking lots are generally set back from the road, which provides the potential for sidewalks or a multi-use path along the road. Existing cross-sections on are shown in Figure 15 and Figure 16 illustrates three potential design options. Roadways

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