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Querido viajero, dear traveler,
In his most celebrated poem, Amado Nervo discovers life's fundamental truth: we build the life we lead. "Porque veo al final de mi rudo camino/que yo fui el arquitecto de mi propio destino." At the end of my own rough road I see/that I was the architect of my own destiny. Texas A & M International University exists to join with you, to find your road and to construct your destiny.
  A gifted faculty, a dedicated staff, and inspirational facilities will fuel your self-discovery
here, challenging you to greatness. Perhaps you will find your muse in the study of Spanish literature; perhaps you will express yourself best in painting or the arts; perhaps you will be consumed by an appreciation for mathematics or delve deeply into the global economy. Perhaps you will develop the power to comfort others in need. Whatever your passion, you will find it here.
  At Texas A&M International, you will be able to mine a rich tradition of educational
excellence that spans thirty years. As the campus has grown, so have opportunities for students to augment their classroom experience with a broad array of student clubs, internships, activities and opportunities for study abroad.
  While detours may on occasion impede your progress, know that our expanded student
support services will return you to your chosen path.
   Begin your new life here. Let us enable you to discover who you might be, support you as
you construct that identity, and celebrate with you as you become that new being. You are the architect; let us help you design and build your future.
  I hope our paths will cross soon. Bienvenido, bienvenida, y que sus sueños se vuelvan
Ray M. Keck, III, Ph.D.,

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Division of Student Affairs - Academic Undergraduate Regulations -
Undergraduate Degrees - Academic Graduate Regulations -
Graduate Degrees - Course Descriptions - Faculty -
Appendix A - Appendix B - Appendix C