Department of Language and Literature

Dr.Lynda Brown lbrown@tamiu.edu
Assistant Professor


Phone: (956) 326-2627

Office: PH 312C

Teaching: Communication

Research: Organizational Communication, Communication Ethics, Marketing Communication, Public Relations


Ph.D. Communication and Rhetorical Studies, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA
M.A. Communication Studies, Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, Edinboro, PA
B.S. Life Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA

Representative Scholarly Activities:

Brown, Lynda S., Ronald C. Arnett, and Janie Fritz Harden. ms. Ethical Consideration for Constructing an Adult Education Integrated Marketing Plan; Metaphor of Lifelong Learning, One Size Does Not Fit All.

Brown, Lynda S. April 2004. Progress in Applied Communication: Challenges of Multiple Publics and Complex constituencies. Eastern Communication Association Conference.

Brown Lynda S. October 2001. Professionalism, Professional Civility, and Professional Behavior: The Current Ideas from all Walks of Life. Speech Communication Association of Pennsylvania Annual Convention.