TAMIU GEAR UP IV 2015 Essay Contest

One experience that I love, cheerleading, is something that firsthand exposes me to leadership. I have been a cheerleader since I was an 8th grader, cheering for the junior high cheerleading team. I went on to cheer for junior varsity my freshman year, and varsity my sophomore year. It's always been something I love to do. Recently, tryouts were held to pick the team for the 2015-2016 varsity team. I was exceptionally nervous this year because there were many more people trying out than in the past. Eight wouldn't make it, as opposed to three to four not making it in past years. I knew I was definitely not the best cheerleader out there, considering I couldn't throw tumbling passes like other girls could. So you could imagine I was very afraid. If I wasn't to make it, I would be absolutely devastated. Keeping that in mind, I worked my hardest and did all I could to prepare for the tryout. The day finally came and I did my absolute best. I stayed sharp, yelled loud, and remembered to smile and make eye contact with the three judges throughout the entirety of the tryout. After hours of waiting, the results were posted, and I was ecstatic to find my name there on the list of 2015-2016 varsity cheerleaders. Now, of course, that was a great accomplishment all on its own. As the excitement wore off a little bit, I looked closer at the list and realized I was the only girl eligible to become head cheerleader the following year. The two girls in my grade that cheered with me this past year didn't make it this year. I was the only girl in my grade to be a varsity cheerleader for two consecutive years. As long as I make the team the following year, I will automatically become head cheerleader. Finding this out, I had mixed emotions. I was extremely excited, and felt rather accomplished, but I also felt some nervousness to have the responsibility of an entire team put in my hands. Above all, I know that with hard work and determination, I can be a great head cheerleader next year. Having such an enormous responsibility for a group of people will help me develop great organization and leadership skills for future circumstances. This experience will teach me to always work hard and be efficient and to keep all members working together in a positive and determined way to reach our goals as a team. I have been very fortunate to have had the experience of being ranked first in my class, being a youth lector, speaking at the GEARUP/ NCCEP National Conference, and being a high school cheerleader, among many other activities I am involved in. Through these experiences, I have grown as an individual in many ways that will help me accomplish my future goals. I am very appreciative of those who have helped and supported me along the way, one being GEAR UP IV. GEAR UP IV has opened my eyes to great opportunities by exposing me to various colleges and universities, providing education through camps, and giving me the opportunity to attend the National Conference last summer. As I go forward in the pursuit of my education and career, I will always reflect on my past experiences for guidance and encouragement to carry me through to obtain my goals. - Olivia Garcia

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