TAMIU GEAR UP IV 2015 Essay Contest

Identity. Dictionaries define identity as "the condition or character as to who a person or what a thing is". Though this definition is true, identity holds deeper meaning, a greater sentiment as to who and what we all are. The journey of trying to find who we are may last our entire lives, but in high school our world is filled with possibilities. Goals determine what we do and how we define ourselves. Personally, I see high school as the foundation for the rest of my life. What I do now will affect my entire future and potentially change the course of my life. With that said, I dedicate myself to my studies and enhancing my knowledge of the world. I want to be great, I want to make a change and I want to share what I learn with the world. Identities may change but the essence will always remain the same, which, for me, means growing as a person and knowing that there will always be more to learn and more to share. Beginning back in elementary, teachers recognized a potential in me that I was too young to see or understand. Straight A's, good behavior and an eagerness to learn have always been my anthem, even today. Despite this, I hid inside a shell and kept to myself; it wasn't until sixth grade my "shy-shell" began to crack open and by eighth grade it had completely disintegrated. Having participated in leadership clubs since elementary school, junior high was filled with opportunities to become an active member in the community and my newfound charisma was ready to take center stage. I knew what I was capable of and I was not going to let that potential go to waste. When applications for the National Junior Honor Society arose, I jumped at the chance. After being accepted and elections for office came around, I began to wonder: I could be president. There was just one issue. Character and ability to get the job done was not going to be taken into consideration at elections. At that level, elections were simply a popularity contest, so I was going to need to campaign. Alot. And I did. In the end, my hard work paid off because I served as the 2012-2013 National Junior Honor Society. As president, one of the largest projects I headed was our participation in the Adopt a Senior program at one of our local nursing and rehabilitation centers. On a weekly basis, a group of us would visit with elderly patients at the center. Activities at the center varied from making conversation to praying to wheeling patients around. The beauty of the project was that members were eager to go and didn't have to be forced to attend. One of my favorite parts of the experience was being able to cheer up and comfort those patients who didn't have family to visit them or anyone to talk to. I can whole-heartedly say this project impacted my fellow members and I more than the seniors. Now in high school, I continue to honor my vow to service, leadership, character and scholarship through maintaining straight A's and remaining an active status in school activities. One of my greatest accomplishments in high school so far has been applying and being awarded a grant to purchase recycling bins and educate the student body about environmental friendliness. With this grant, the students have been given the opportunity to make a difference, even if it may be so small some may call the contribution insignificant, but make if each person were to make the same effort the possibilities are endless. Even if only one person decides to take the initiative to help the environment even after they leave high school, it's one more person than what there was before. Over time, the term "over-achiever" has been labeled an "insult". To me, being called an over-achiever means that my effort has been noticed. The funny part to this though, at least to me, is that I don't see myself as trying hard enough. Yes, I do try but I could try a lot harder, we all can. Right now, I see myself as a doctor in the future. The medical field has always been known as a prestigious career and I understand my journey there will not be simple. Every assignment, every class, every teacher pushes me to try harder, think more, learn more so I will be ready for the journey. At times I feel drained and just simply don't see a point to the effort, but, at the same time, my doubts encourage me to try harder in order to accomplish my dream. I want to have the ability to help others, the opportunity to change someone's life. So, yes, I am an over-achiever and I am proud to be.

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