TAMIU GEAR UP IV 2015 Essay Contest

One of the greatest opportunities I have been presented with has been the Gear Up Program. Though I may have two older siblings in college that have helped guided me, times have changed and there is also more to discover. Aside from workshops and trips sponsored by the program, I have mostly benefitted from my Gear Up advisors. Any question, doubt or advice, they have an answer. The college advisor and counselors at our school help but with over 2,000 students there simply isn't time. Gear-Up provides the best advisors that can concentrate on a smaller group, advisors that every student feels comfortable talking to and is willing to listen to. Given that I'm almost half-way done with my high school education and have acquired most of the required credits for graduation, I'm focused on getting ready for college and building a strong foundation in both my education and character. From now to 2017, I may change my mind over my career choice but a higher education isn't optional to me. I want to chance to be a remarkable member of society, a person who leaves a mark wherever they go. I don't simply want an identity for myself but for others to recognize who I am and possibly be inspired to be great, or to be better than I am. Never will I claim being perfect, because I'm not. A very wise person once told me, "There will always be someone better than you," because that is the truth. We're meant to push each other into achieving perfection. Good will never be good enough. Effort never ends. My effort into achieving my dreams will never end, this is simply the beginning. - Angelica Garza

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