TAMIU GEAR UP IV 2015 Essay Contest

I frequently find litter on the floor or left behind on the lunch tables for the custodians to clean up. Instead of simply passing it by, I take time to collect the trash and place it in the trash cans. Tree Folks educated me about the various forms of pollution and the negative effects they have on our environment. Consequently, I ride my bike whenever I can to reduce air pollution. I plant fruit trees and flowers at my friend's ranch. So far, I have planted three dozen flower bushes and four orange trees there. Tree Folks also promotes humanitarian efforts and, this summer, I hope to volunteer with Habitat for Humanity. Gear Up instilled me with the idea of reaching out to others in need. In some cases, I may not be able to assist directly, but I can certainly help by giving of my talents, skills, and time. Gear Up has always been there for me to guide me in all my actions. Through their motivational guest speakers and inspirational talks, they have taught me that I can make a change in my community, not for fame or glory, but for simply doing what is right. Helping others always brings a smile to my face. Before, I didn't know how to even begin, but Gear Up has provided me with the skills and tools to speak up for the minority, help others in need, and, above all, to do the right thing for a better tomorrow. - Daniel King

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