TAMIU GEAR UP IV 2015 Essay Contest

There was nothing to stop me other than the nerves of having all the other delegates staring at me. It took me some time to build the courage to finally decide to state all my points of the positive effects that would come from aiding Russia. After setting aside my shyness, it became quite fun. It gave me a different perspective about the United Nations Council, and grew to become something that I looked forward to in my career choices. To further my love for Model U.N. I had to make myself acquainted with what was happening around the world. E.P.I.C was my next step, it is a competition our World Geography Club sponsor encouraged us to compete in. In my mind it seemed to be another way to learn more about the world, and as well as global issues. I partnered with three other girls who were also a part of World Geography Club. We came together and chose our topic, Genetically Modified Foods. To the untrained and unpolitical eye, it would not seem like an important topic, similar to delegates in Model U.N, we have to see the long term dangers. Our GEAR UP coordinators made everything possible. They sponsored our trip, and even helped refine our poster boards. They helped my group with our presentation and encouraged us to simply have fun with the experience. When we arrived at Texas A&M International University, I felt proud of my group's work. With teamwork, we made an excellent poster board with efficient information. We met other contestants whom also seemed excited about the competition. Everyone in the room seemed to have the same objective: winning. By noon we were finally scheduled to be judged. My group gathered and prayed to God everything went well. As the judge arrived, I came to realize it was finally time to put all our efforts into work with all our information about the chemical Dicamba, which altered our food, and the dangers it would cost to our future crops. We managed to captivate the judge's attention, whom was impressed with our topic and the way we interpreted the information. At last, we were proud of all our hard work we put into this competition. We were happy even if we did not win, but to our surprise we won 2nd place overall. We knew we did well, but still we were in awe as we held our awards. It became a precious memory to my friends and me. All these experiences seemed to be the missing puzzle pieces in my life, but there was still the same question that seemed to haunt me. What did I want to be in life? With each passing day the question only seemed to burden me, and now there was another troublesome question. What post-secondary institute did I want to attend? I knew I loved learning about the way the government worked and global issues, but still I felt overwhelmed. In my state of panic, GEAR UP was there to help. They let me participate in several field trips to many colleges and universities. They gave me the opportunity to see all my options, and truly question my future. I never felt so relieved when in a blink of an eye I was no longer questioning myself. I knew that I wanted to major in Political Science and minor in International Studies at Texas A&M International University. I finally felt that I was no longer clueless. GEAR UP was always a great influence in my life. They gave me all these opportunities and everlasting memories. I never really thought about it, but they always were a huge part of my life. GEAR UP has always supported each and every student in my class. With the help of my GEAR UP coordinators, I now know and am confident with what path to take. Because of their efforts, I have become the well-rounded person I am today. - Martha Espinoza

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