
Core Curriculum Committee

TAMIU's Core Curriculum Committee (UCCC) is responsible for approving the courses included in the core curriculum and consists of voting members of the faculty and non-voting, ex-officio members. The purpose of the committee is to establish requirements and recommend to the Faculty Senate and the University Curriculum Committee, courses to be included in the core curriculum to satisfy State Coordinating Board requirements.

2023-2024 UCCC Members

  • Sean Maddan, Chair; Professor & Director of Institutional Research
  • Ariadne Gonzalez, Associate Provost
  • Amit Ghosh, Professor & Chair: ARSSB
  • Jason Norris, Associate Professor; CNHS
  • Angelica Michelangeli, Clinical Assistant Professor & Interim Chair; CNHS
  • Lila Cantu, Lecturer; UC
  • Erika Noyola; Undergraduate Academic Advising Coordinator; COAS
  • Robert Wilkinson, Ex-Officio