TAMIU Reading the Globe 2015-2016

The Taj Mahal is listed as one of the 7 Wonders of the World. Knowing this, anyone who hasn't visited the building themselves can maybe get the idea that it's an important place and is most probably marvelous. Visiting for the first time myself, I can say that the building's actual entirety and magnitude completely surpasses the idea I had from that title alone. The building was built out of love and heartbreak to hold the remains of the Mughal emperor's passing wife. Architected to be perfect on paper so that no changes would ever be made during or after its completion, the entire enclosure is completely symmetrical and encrusted with semi-precious stones and hand carvings. Walking in through the front gate, you're able to overlook the beautiful gardens and the Taj Mahal straight ahead. That sight alone is beautiful, however, the experience truly breathtaking for me was found going through the Taj Mahal building itself, past the back doors and onto the platform facing the river. You're above ground and able to overlook the river and the land behind it that only seems to stretch on for miles. Looking over at the rest of Agra, India, my heart felt full and my mind at peace. There is definitely something I can only describe as magic that flows throughout the place. Up there, the building's history and reason completely overcame me and I found myself in this grasp of a fascinating peace and wonder. Undoubtedly, one has to go see the building for themselves in order to truly receive the enchantment the building reveals. Christine Segovia RTGAmbassador

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