TAMIU Reading the Globe 2015-2016

Johanna Webb RTGAmbassador We were given a lecture by Professor Ambika Charak Katoch on the Hindu- Muslim Intersections that are present all throughout India today as well as in the past. She explained the history behind Hinduism and Islam and how they influenced the land now known as India for centuries. Hinduism derived in India, and the term "Hindu" was first used to describe the people that lived in the Indus River Valley civilization. However, when it evolved into a religion, the caste system was born. Unlike Hinduism, Islam developed in the Middle East, around the Afghanistan area, and was brought to India through invasions. Mosques were built throughout the lands, Hindu temples and sacred grounds were looted for precious stones and metals, and many people were forced to convert to Islam. This was the beginning of the tensions between the two religions that is still witnessed in present day India. However, throughout history the differences were never completely settled which eventually led to the creation of Pakistan and Bangladesh as Islamic countries separated from India. After learning about all of the rich history behind the most popular religions in India, it makes one realize that through every mosque we visit or Hindu temple we view, there was a long struggle and fight to keep to their beliefs. However, both played a huge part in many of the beautiful, historical sites that we visited and will keep visiting throughout India. There are hints of Muslim and Hindu architecture in many sites such as the Taj Mahal and Agra Fort, showing the role that these religions played in India. The lecture allowed me to understand where and how the famous monuments we see and hear about came to be.

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