TAMIU Reading the Globe 2015-2016

When watching a movie one rarely considers the work that goes on behind the scenes and before the actors are even cast. Our trip to Bollywood gave us a quick glance into the surreal life of the making of a feature film. Our guides were more than welcoming into their life of acting and show business. The day started o# with some karaoke on the bus where they showed us some popular Hindi songs, and we returned the favor by playing song by a classic favorite Selena Quintanilla! After an hour long ride that seemed more like 5 minutes we took a tour of the set company S.J. studios to visit different sets and watched some of the makings of how camera men set up the different shots for each character! Soon after we were taken into a theater where professional dancers showed us several popular dance moves and invited the crowd to get up and dance! Some brave few ventured up and danced alongside the professionals while other were equally as content watching the whole show from their seats. After photos were taken and smiles exchanged, we were loaded back onto the bus and brought back to reality, but we all left with something. We left with greater appreciation for the arts and the hard working men and women behind the scenes. Alexia Villarreal RTGAmbassador

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