TAMIU Reading the Globe 2017-2018

Today we visited the Albertina which houses many famous works of contemporary art. After this visit, I truly began to question what made art valid. The museum was decorated with paintings from the 20th century onwards. This artwork is particularly distinct from the artworks created in the previous centuries. While paintings of the past were highly detailed and focused on royalty or biblical stories, 20th century art was able to expand to a broad range of topics. Due to members of the clergy or royalty no longer offering patronage, artists were now able to paint what they truly desired. The most valuable lesson I gained from my visit to the Albertina is that art changes with the times. A perfect example of this is the impressionist style. Originally, it was created to capture a moment in time; however, once photography became a reliable medium, the impressionist style shrunk in popularity. We witnessed art history right before our eyes as the paintings themselves became glimpses into history and innovation. Through the course of the museum tour we saw art evolve from impressionism, to exoticism, to protests of wars and various other abstract concepts. When I first entered the Albertina, I believed that Renaissance paintings were undoubtedly the best form of art; however, this experience has allowed me to grow to appreciate many other art styles to which I was previously oblivious. Alex Medrano RTGAmbassador Learning of art, culture, and history of different eras is imperative to becoming a well-rounded human being. Another border, another boundary crossed.

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