TAMIU Reading the Globe 2018-2019

As I stared at the barbed wire at the top of the fence, I imagine the immense pain the prisoners at that jail, that was once a high school, must have felt. A school. A place that is meant to nourish the minds of the young generations to lead the country in the future, but unfortunately became a place where thousands of people lost their lives in the most horrible ways that can not even be imagined. Jhoanna Angeles RTGAmbassador Before entering the worn down buildings at the prison, I felt a strong pain on my chest as I recalled the research I made on this place. I knew what I was facing, I saw it and read it on line, so I knew exactly what I was going to see... Or so I thought. Horrible is not even close enough to describe how I felt the moment I stepped inside the cells that those innocent people were tortured in, and gave there last breath in agony. The pain of walking through the hallways of the buildings is like nothing I've ever experienced before. Looking at the pictures of the inmates with horrible injuries of torture, and old stains of blood on the floor created a knot on my stomach. Looking at the paintings that describe the way children were torn from their mothers and used as a bullseye for the soldiers enfuriated me. But seeing the human remains that were found in the prison pierced directly through my heart. The cruelty that surrounded these innocent people was so strong that it could still be felt. It is a feeling so strong that I was no longer able to breathe as I kept ascending the floors of the buildings. It is unbelievable how much cruelty there has to be in a person in order to be able to mistreat their own people in such a horrible way, and it is even worst to think that all of these events did in fact happen.

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