TAMIU Reading the Globe 2018-2019

Only 3 days after leaving for Cambodia, we were able to experience what the locals call ?International New Year?which is the New Year celebrated around the world. The Cambodian New Year is in the month of April, but they also celebrate New Year on January 1st. Celebrating in a foreign country was exciting, beautiful, and definitely an experience we will never forget. The streets were filled with men, women, and children of all ages walking around on their bare feet eating food sold by the vendors that lined the sidewalk. Motorbikes squeezed in between and managed to drive through the large crowds of people. Men managing tuk tuks repeatedly asked the adults passing by if they needed rides. There was a concert taking place farther along the river with spotlights shining everywhere and colorful lights flashing to the beat of the music. About 30 minutes before midnight, swarms of people sat by the river popping fireworks randomly waiting for the new year. Boats with colorful lights filled the river each blasting their own music while people danced on the deck. Right before midnight everyone began to count down. As the clock hit 12:00 AM, from the street, to the river, to the concert in the distance, fireworks exploded into the air. We looked at the sky and the sight was absolutely beautiful. The night sky was now filled with all kinds of colors of fireworks and the environment was filled with happiness and gratefulness for another year. Celebrating this holiday in Phnom Penh, Cambodia was definitely a once in a lifetime experience that we will forever cherish and never forget. Carly Herrera RTGAmbassador

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