TAMIU Reading the Globe 2019-2020

Once we arrived near the site of her first home, we prepped our sunscreen, bug spray, and shoe covers. We hiked through large boulders, rough and tall plants, and wet surfaces. The bond between all of us strengthened as we lent each other?s hands to climb. It was intriguing to see Christina's dauntless behavior in the outdoors come to life rather than reading it from her memoir, "Never Stop Walking". While some of us were frightened to fall, Christina and Thiago, encouraged us to keep going. We also passed by Christina's second cave which she used as a guide to find her way back home. We visited a beautiful waterfall where we all swam. The water was freezing, the floor shallow, but it was an amazing experience. The day ended with a late lunch at Biri-Biri. We ate freshly picked mangos and pastels. On the bus ride back to the hotel, we discussed social responsibility and our essays. Obrigado! Ciao! Our first full day in Diamantina, Minas Gerais, was adventurous albeit a little wet! We went by bus to Christina?s cave; it took about half an hour to arrive at our destination because of the unpaved roads. Many rocks created an uneven terrain which resulted in a roller-coaster of a bus ride. Lush green vegetation surrounded us. Along the way, Thiago, our tour guide, and Christina, the author, lectured us about the diverse wildlife such as giant rodents and felines, snakes, bats, and spiders. Mary Joy Patricio RTGAmbassador

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