TAMIU Reading the Globe 2019-2020

After a few days of touring Diamantina and having the opportunity to see Christina?s book come to life, we hit the road and made our way to Belo Horizonte. A little over five hours later, we arrived at Belo; we had a delectable lunch at Filé and a flavorous dessert at Frutos De Goiás. With a satiated appetite, we then visited the Lago De Pampulha, a man-made lagoon built in 1914. At the time of its creation, it was a very clean lagoon; however, due to pollution, it is now not very safe to swim in. Juscelino Kubitscheck, the then mayor of Belo Horizonte, is responsible for ordering the construction of this lake.Lining the outskirts of this lake is a beautiful garden designed by Roberto Burle Marx.

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