TAMIU Student Handbook 2021-2022

Page 23 of 91 Student appeals of faculty academic decisions should be completed within 15 University business days after the student’s first meeting with the faculty member to question the faculty member’s decision. 1. The student must first meet with the faculty member and discuss the faculty member’s decision. This meeting should occur as soon as possible after the decision has been made, normally within one week of the student being notified of the decision. The faculty member is expected to listen to the student, provide an explanation for the decision, and change the grade or decision if the student’s argument is persuasive. To change final course grades, a faculty member must submit a “Grade Change Form” and attach an accompanying memorandum justifying the decision to change the grade. The faculty member’s department chair and Dean must approve the change. 2. If the faculty member declines to change the decision or grade, the student may then discuss the matter with the faculty member’s immediate academic supervisor (hereafter, “chair” will be used to mean either the department chair or the immediate academic supervisor). If the chair believes that the student’s position has merit, the chair will discuss the matter with the faculty member. 3. If the student is not satisfied with the chair’s assessment of the issue or if the faculty member declines to change the decision after discussing it with the chair, the student may then request that an ad hoc committee of faculty members review the matter. This committee consists of three tenured faculty members within the same discipline or department, unless circumstances dictate otherwise. If the chair determines that a tenured faculty member cannot be selected from the same discipline or department, then the chair may add a tenured faculty member from a closely related disciplines. From the pool of eligible tenured faculty members designated by the chair, the faculty member, the student, and the chair will each nominate one faculty member to serve on the committee. 4. The ad hoc committee will hear from the student, the faculty member, and the chair and examine relevant documents. If the committee sustains the faculty member’s decision, the committee will provide the student with a written statement explaining the reasons for the committee’s decision. The student may request in writing that the committee reconsiders its decision and provides reasons for so doing. If the committee refuses to reconsider or if it reaffirms its original recommendation, the faculty member’s original decision is final. If the committee finds in favor of the student, the committee will provide the faculty member with a written recommendation explaining the committee’s reasons. If the faculty member disagrees with the committee’s recommendation, the faculty member may request that the committee reconsiders its recommendation and provides the committee with a rationale for revisiting the recommendation. If after considering the faculty

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