TAMIU Student Handbook 2021-2022

Page 50 of 91 ARTICLE 10. ACADEMIC CONDUCT PROCEEDINGS It is the policy of TAMIU that all faculty, administrators, staff, and students conduct themselves in a manner that is consistent with the values, integrity, reputation, and public trust of this University. The TAMIU Honor Code provides employees and students notice of academic violation. It is the responsibility of TAMIU faculty, staff, administration, and students to be familiar with the information presented in the TAMIU Honor Code and to observe all provisions and procedures relating to the Code. Ignorance of this Code is not a defense to misconduct violations. Section 10.01 Honor Council Mission Statement It is the mission of the TAMIU Honor Council to serve as a centralized system established to respond fairly to academic violations of the TAMIU Honor Code. Section 10.02 Essential Functions of the Honor Council The Honor Council serves to provide faculty and students with a means by which they may report academic violation, to provide students with a means of appealing charges of academic violation, and to provide the Provost with recommendations regarding general academic sanctions or remedial efforts. The Honor Council is the authority for the development and implementation of processes and procedures of the Honor System. Through the Office of Student Conduct and Community Engagement, this Council serves as the initial hearing body for cases involving academic integrity outside the scope of a course offered at TAMIU, and as an appellate body for students charged with violating the Honor Code during a course offered at TAMIU. The Honor Council is also responsible for maintaining records and for coordinating communication, prevention, training, remediation, and adjudication efforts. All proposed revisions to Honor Code will be submitted to Faculty Senate for review. Section 10.03 Membership of the Honor Council The Honor Council reports to the Provost. The Honor Council consists of at least 10 full-time faculty members and 10 University students. Five members constitutes a quorum, of which at least two members from each constituency (faculty and students) must be represented. At the first meeting of each year, the Provost will appoint the Chair and the Honor Council student representatives will elect a Vice-Chair. A faculty member will chair the Honor Council with the Director of SCCE (or their designee) serving as co-chair absent voting privileges, and the vice-chair shall be a student. The Director of Instructional Technology and

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