TAMIU Student Handbook 2021-2022

Page 52 of 91 in writing from faculty, witness(es), and alleged violator(s) as is necessary to ensure a fair hearing. Section 10.05 The Role of the Chair and Vice-Chair The duties of the Chair will be to call regular meetings, conduct meetings, serve as the official liaison with the SCCE, and provide leadership to the Council: 1. The Chair shall be selected from the faculty members of the Honor Council. 2. The Chair will present all cases to the Honor Council and shall call a hearing to order. 3. Should the Chair be unable to meet their obligations, the Chair or Provost will designate a Chair Pro-temp, which must be a faculty Honor Council member. 4. The Vice-Chair shall be selected from the student members of the Honor Council. 5. The Vice-Chair role is to serve as the voice for the Honor Council student members. Section 10.06 The Role of the Office of SCCE In coordination with the Honor Council, the SCCE will confer with the Chair of the Honor Council to assess current academic cases involving students and will serve as the facilitator and investigator of information. The SCCE will: 1. Gather information based on submission of the Sanction Letter, and supporting documents submitted by the faculty member. 2. Provide notification of hearing date and time to student upon receiving notice from the student requesting a hearing by the Honor Council and letter of acknowledgement by SCCE. 3. Administer a Judicial Hold on the student file while the case is adjudicated and sanctions are imposed and/or in accordance with the Standard Administrative Procedures 11.99.02.L0.01. 4. Serve the role of record keeper and case manager for all Honor Council meetings and/or hearings. 5. Notify the student of the outcome of the Honor Council meeting. 6. Include the faculty member, department/division Chair, Dean, and Provost as recipients of both the initial letter to the alleged student respondent and the final outcome notification letter. Other University administrators with a legitimate-right- to-know will also be notified of outcome. 7. Develop, implement and coordinate Honor Council trainings. If the student fails to respond to the letter, the student waives their right to a hearing by the Honor Council, and the SCCE will retain the case for record. Student appeals of original allegation of academic violation must be submitted in writing within 10 University business days to the SCCE for Honor Council review.

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