TAMIU Student Handbook 2021-2022

Page 59 of 91 The recommendations below are additional potential sanctions that a student found responsible for academic violation may face. 8. Recommendation to the Provost for expulsion of the student from the specific program of study or from the University. 9. Recommendation to the Provost for Honor Code suspension of the student from the specific program of study or from the University. 10. Probation for Academic violation with a statement of the consequences for additional infractions and a description of the conditions, which must be met to end probationary status. 11. Required completion of an appropriate training or remediation program, whether or not probationary status is imposed. 12. Other sanctions as deemed necessary. A student who is on “ Honor Code Probation ” is subject to the following restrictions: A. Ineligibility to hold an office in any recognized student organization recognized by the University or to hold any elected or appointed position within the University. B. Ineligibility to compete in intercollegiate athletic activity. C. Ineligibility to represent the University in any capacity, including representing the University at any official function. D. Ineligibility to receive a University-administered scholarship or fellowship when the “Honor Code Probation” is in place for longer than one semester. Additional restrictions or conditions also may be imposed, depending on the timing, nature and severity of the misconduct. Examples are inability to pre-register, to receive an official transcript, or to participate in commencement exercises. The Honor Council will disclose the outcome to persons who meet the definition of a school official who has a legitimate educational interest in the record and/or who are performing a task that is specific to the sanction imposed. Section 10.18 Appeal to Honor Council of Academic Charge A student who is found responsible for an Honor Code violation, assessed a sanction, and has yet to appeal, has 10 University business days from the date of notification of outcome to file an appeal of the findings. The appeal must be stated in writing. The chair will determine if the appeal merits a hearing.

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