TAMIU Student Handbook 2021-2022

Page 73 of 91 Appendix C: Student Grievance Process As indicated in its mission, TAMIU strives to provide students with the highest quality programs, built on a solid academic foundation in the arts and sciences, and prepares them to lead their chosen professions in an increasingly complex, culturally diverse state, national, and global society. Consistent with our mission, TAMIU welcomes opinion and feedback about rules, procedures, programs and services in order to make changes that contribute to student success, development, and goal attainment. TAMIU is also committed to ensuring that students have access to a complaint process. A student with a complaint that a policy, rule, regulation, or procedure has been improperly applied in a particular case has recourse through complaint and appellate procedures. In registering grievances and filing appeals, TAMIU students must follow the procedures established by the unit where the complaint is filed. Informal Process In most instances, grievances can be resolved through an informal process. Basic steps include: • Arrange an informal meeting with the staff or faculty member wishing to raise a matter/concern preferably via face-to-face communication, or phone/email. • Hold an informal meeting, confirming that this informal meeting is aimed at supporting the individual in addressing the specific concern. • Explain your concern, provide any evidence or information relating to concern and discuss the impact these concerns are having on you. • Explore how issues can be addressed and what you are seeking in terms of a resolution. • If applicable, agree any follow up actions to ensure concern does not occur again. If no resolution is reached, a student may proceed with the formal process as outlined below. Formal Process If the issue is unresolved after following the informal complaint procedures, the student may submit a formal complaint. Formal grievances should be submitted using the Report It form . A complaint must include the name, contact information of the person filing the complaint, and a brief description of the circumstances, including who has been involved, and current status. Formal grievances are received by the Office of Student Conduct and Community Engagement. On receipt, SCCE will forward grievances to the appropriate department head, Dean, or supervisor within five University business days, except under unusual

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