TAMIU Student Handbook 2021-2022

Page 74 of 91 circumstance. The receiving department has 10 University business days to contact the student and reach a resolution (extension may be granted upon request). Resolutions must be forwarded to the Office of Student Conduct and Community Engagement for record keeping. Type of Grievances Responsible Office(s) Type of Concern Student-Faculty • Office of Compliance • Academic Affairs • Civil right matters • Faculty grievances; Fraud, waste, and abuse Student-Staff • Department supervisor(s) and/or VP • Office of Compliance • • Staff grievances; Fraud, waste, and abuse • Civil right matters Student-Student • Student Conduct & Community Engagement • Honor Council • Office of Compliance • General disciplinary conduct (non-academic or civil rights) • Academic misconduct • Civil rights matters Student-Third Party • VP of Administration (or their designee) • Office of Compliance • Fraud, waste, and abuse; contractual personnel grievances • Civil rights matters Grade Appeal Process Faculty members are authorized to change final grades when they have committed a computational error, and to do so must receive approval of department chair and Dean. To receive that approval, faculty must attach a detailed explanation of the reason for the mistake. Rarely would another reason be entertained as legitimate for a grade change. A student who disputes a grade on an assignment must discuss the situation with the faculty member teaching the course. If students believe that they have been graded improperly, they may follow the grade appeal process defined above (Article 4). Academic Probation Students will be placed on Academic Probation at the conclusion of any long semester (fall or spring) when their institutional cumulative grade point average at Texas A&M International University falls below 2.0. Such students are encouraged to participate to the fullest in academic support programs and to seek academic advising. Students who have been placed on academic probation will be allowed to enroll for one additional one semester in an attempt to achieve the required institutional cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or better.

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