TAMIU Student Handbook 2022-2023
Page 40 of 92 Contract cheating. The form of academic violation where students get academic work completed on their behalf, which they then submit for academic credit as if they had created it themselves. Examples include, but are not limited to: a. Looking to internet sites for the exact question/problem/scenario given to them from their instructors. b. Posting the exact (or substantially similar) question(s) online (or social media platforms) for someone to answer. c. Copying the provided answer directly from the online source without spending time to understand it or check it for errors. d. Attempting to hide their online activities from institutional authorities by not making their name visible or by logging into “help” sites in a way that cannot be tied to their educational institution ID. Flagrant academic violation . Repeated or severe violation(s) of the academic rule. Lying . Deliberate falsification with the intent to deceive as it applies to an academic submission. Plagiarism . The act of passing off some other person’s ideas, words, or works as one’s own. It includes, but is not limited to, the appropriating, buying, receiving as a “gift,” or obtaining, by any other means, another’s work for submission as one’s own academic work. Examples include, but are not limited to: a. Failing to credit sources used in a work product in an attempt to present the work as one’s own. b. Intentionally, knowingly, or carelessly presenting the work of another as one’s own (i.e., without crediting the author or creator). c. Copying test answers or the words or phrases of another without crediting the author or claim credit for the ideas of another. d. Borrowing or lending a term paper, handing in as your own work a paper purchased from an individual or off the Internet, or submitting, as one's own any papers or work product from the files of any group, club, or organization. e. Submitting in the same paper in more than one class without the permission of the instructor. ARTICLE 8. STUDENT CONDUCT DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES Section 8.01 Right to File Grievance Against Students Any member of the University community has the right to file a grievance against a student that is in violation of the Student Code of Conduct. Grievances should be filed in writing
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