TAMIU Student Handbook 2022-2023

Page 41 of 92 within 1 5 University business days of the discovery of the alleged infraction of the Student Code of Conduct to the Office of Student C onduct and Community Engagement via reporting system ( http://www.tamiu.edu/reportit ) . The timelines for the grievance process may be extende d for good cause shown or at th e discretion of the Office of Student Conduct and Commu nity Engagement. Section 8.02 Process The purpose of the University disciplinary system is educationally based and is to decide if the student has misused or abused freedoms, violated System or University policies, rules, regulations or procedures, failed to accept responsibility for their actions; to communicate alleged misconduct, permit the student(s) to respond; determine appropriate action by the University; and assist the student(s) to develop a constructive response exhibiting self- discipline. A University hearing is a function of the educational process. It is NOT an adversarial proceeding or trial in a court of law. Section 8.03 Standard of Proof: Preponderance of the Evidence The level of proof required at TAMIU in University disciplinary cases is a preponderance of the evidence. This means sufficient evidence to show that the facts are more likely to be true than not true. Section 8.04 Good Cause Provision The survivor or victim of an alleged act of misconduct may be unwilling to serve as the complainant. In such circumstances, if the Vice President of Student Success (or their designee) determine there is good cause for charges to be brought against the respondent(s) in the interest of the University community, the Vice President of Student Success (or their designee) may proceed with complaint. In cases involving Civil Rights grievances, the Director of Title IX and Civil Rights Compliance will make the determination. Section 8.05 Amnesty The health and safety of our students are of primary concern at TAMIU. TAMIU is committed to ensuring that students obtain timely medical assistance for themselves and fellow Dustdevils in the case of medical emergencies. The Division of Student Success recognizes that the potential for disciplinary action by the University may discourage students from seeking medical assistance for themselves or others in a time when medical attention is needed. TAMIU’s Amnesty assists individuals

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