TAMIU Student Handbook 2022-2023

Page 61 of 92 The Honor Council will disclose its determination of the academic appeal to school officials who have an educational interest in the finding or sanction. Section 10.21 Appeal to Provost of Honor Council Decisions Where Honor Council upholds the faculty member’s original charge, a request for appeal may be made in writing to the Provost. The request must be submitted within 10 University business days after notification of the Honor Council’s decision. There are three grounds for an appeal: 1. Substantial new evidence: The Provost will consider new information that is sufficient to alter a decision or other relevant facts not known to the person appealing at the time of the original hearing. 2. Procedural irregularities : The Provost will determine whether the original hearing was conducted fairly in light of the charges and evidence presented, and in conformity with prescribed procedures giving the accused student a reasonable opportunity to prepare and present rebuttal of allegations. 3. The sanction is not commensurate with the violation: The Provost will determine whether the sanction(s) imposed were appropriate for the violation of the Honor Code, which the student was found to have committed. After receiving the written request for an appeal, the Provost or a designee may: 1. Deny the request for an appeal and the Honor Council decision will be final. 2. Accept the appeal and ask the Honor Council to reconvene and hear the case again with the new information. a. If the Provost grants the appeal upon a procedural irregularity, the Provost can reverse the decision. Section 10.22 Appeal of Sanctions other than Separation from the University If the Provost or a designee finds that there is adequate basis for an appeal: 1. The Provost will hear the case and render a decision. 2. The Provost’s decisions are final. Section 10.23 Appeal of Separation from the University A student who receives a sanction of expulsion, dismissal, or suspension by the Honor Council of an appeal has 10 University business days upon receiving notification from the University to appeal sanction. 1. The Provost will hear the case and render a decision. 2. THE SCCE will notify the student of the decision rendered by the Provost.

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