TAMIU Student Handbook 2022-2023

Page 79 of 92 Appendix D: Amnesty Purpose The health and safety of our students are of primary concern at TAMIU (TAMIU). TAMIU is committed to ensuring that students obtain timely medical assistance for themselves and fellow Dustdevils in the case of medical emergencies. As such, the University recognizes that the potential for disciplinary action may discourage students from seeking medical assistance for themselves or others in a time when medical attention is needed. TAMIU’s Amnesty was developed with the intention to assist those individuals whose judgment or health is affected due to the consumption of alcohol or controlled substances by removing impediments to seeking medical assistance. Students are encouraged to contact the University Police Department, medical emergency professionals, or other University officials when medical assistance is needed. Expectations The implementation of Amnesty is for TAMIU to continue being an entity which is proactive about the health and safety of its students and to instill in all Dustdevils the moral responsibility to help people in need. At TAMIU, we expect that students will take a proactive role in protecting the safety and well-being of their peers and the University community. Amnesty also serves as educational experience that allows students the opportunity to learn from their decision-making and make healthier decisions in the future. It is the expectation that a student uses Amnesty minimally and as a learning experience. Therefore, after being granted amnesty once, the availability of amnesty to the student is at the discretion of the University. Protocol Amnesty is an approach to reducing the dangerous consequences caused by alcohol or controlled substance emergencies by increasing the likelihood that members of the TAMIU community will call for medical assistance. TAMIU administers Amnesty as follows: 1. Victims and Witnesses. TAMIU provides amnesty to victims and witnesses who may be hesitant to report to University officials because they fear that they themselves may be accused of minor rule violations, such as underage drinking, at the time of the incident. Educational options will be explored, but no student conduct proceedings or conduct record will result. 2. Those Who Offer Assistance. To encourage students to offer assistance to others, TAMIU applies amnesty for minor violations to students who offer assistance to

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