TAMIU Student Handbook 2022-2023

Page 85 of 92 Appendix F: Administrative Response to Distress or Disruptive Behavior TAMIU is committed to the success of all students and recognizes that students may experience general medical or behavior health issues that significantly limit their ability to function successfully or safely. Through the Office of Student Counseling and Disability Services or Student Health Services the University provides assistance and support, including evaluation, treatment, and referral, a within the available resources of the institution, for students experiencing general medical or behavioral problems. If a member of the University community o bserves conduct that may co nstitute a threat to the health or safety of the community, indivi duals should report the con duct. Resources include the Behavioral Intervention Team ( http://tamiu.edu/reportit ) , the Office of Student Success, and other appropriate universi ty resources including, but not limited to, the Student Conduct and Community Engag ement. Students who display distress or disruptive behavior, may be: 1) referred for an individual evaluation and/or 2) administratively withdrawn from the university; in some instances, this withdrawal may be involuntary. Voluntary or involuntary administrative withdrawals permit students to take a break from the demands of the University’s rigorous academic environment. The Vice President for Student Success (or their designee) is charged with responsibility for decision making related to this rule. 1. Distress or disruptive behavior includes, but is not limited to: a. Instances where a student engages in, or threatens to engage in, behavior which poses a risk of imminent to the health or safety one or more individuals. b. Instances of behavior, which would cause significant property damage, or would directly and substantially impede the lawful activities of others, or that substantially interferes with or impedes the educational experiences of others or would interfere with the educational process and the orderly operation of the University. c. Instances of behavior that constitute an undue burden to the University by substantially interfering with the educational process or the orderly operation of the institution Involuntary Referral for Evaluation When it is determined by the Behavioral Assessment and Intervention Team (BAIT) that a student has engaged in one or more of these behaviors, the student will be required to present themselves within one University business day, to a member of the BAIT, for an individualized review. The student will be notified in writing of this by the BAIT.

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