TAMIU Student Handbook 2019-2020

Page 69 of 86 If the student does not return at the agreed semester, the student would need to undergo formal readmission to TAMIU, to include submission of a new application and any necessary transcripts. 1. A student may request a LOA more than once; however, the cumulative total of such requests may not exceed two years. 2. A student may request an extension prior to the scheduled return of a regular semester. Approval consideration will be at the college’s discretion, based on the reason of the request. For example, appropriate extensions may result from students leaving for active military duty or religious missions. 3. A student may return earlier than the original agreed return date but should provide notice as soon as possible, keeping in mind applicable deadlines, such as advising, registration, financial aid, etc. Student Status during the LOA A student granted a Leave of Absence retains their admitted student status. However, the student is not registered and, therefore, does not have all the rights and privileges of a registered student and should be aware of the following consequences: 1. Office of Financial Aid – A student is not eligible for any financial aid disbursements during the semesters while on LOA. A student on a LOA will be reported to lenders and loan service agencies as “non-attending” and will need to contact their lenders for information on possible repayment requirements. 2. Enrollment verification requests – Enrollment verifications for other entities, such as parents’ health or auto insurance companies, will also be reported as “non-attending.” 3. Facilities Access: a. Library – A student on a LOA will have limited access to library resources. The student may access library resources, including use of electronic databases and journals, while physically present in any campus library. No remote access to proprietary databases and electronic resources is available. Normal borrowing privileges are not retained, but restricted privileges may be available for a fee. A student interested in checking out TAMIU librarymaterial should contact any library circulation services. b. Student Health Services and Student Counseling and Disability Services – A student on a LOA for a particular semester is not registered for any credit hours and, therefore, not eligible to use Student Health Services. c. Computing resources – A student on a LOA will not have access to computing resources, including computing labs. Students will be able to maintain their TAMIU @dusty accounts. d. Recreational Sports – A student on a LOA will lose access to recreational sports.

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