TAMIU Student Handbook 2019-2020

Page 80 of 86 Employee – an individual employed by TAMIU Expressive Activity – any speech or expressive conduct protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution or by Section 8, Article I, Texas Constitution, and includes assemblies, protests, speeches, the distribution of written material, the carrying of signs, and the circulation of petitions. The term does not include commercial speech. Faculty – any full or part-time employee of TAMIU holding an academic appointment. Materially and Substantially Disrupt – interrupting a program or activity in a significnt and consequential manner (e.g., using amplification equipment or noise-generating devices in the academic quad or within 50 feet of classroom buildings outside of the quad any time classes are in session) Person – students, student organizations, faculty, staff, and third-parties Reasonable Time, Place, and Manner Restrictions – limitations that (1) are narrowly tailored to serve a significant TAMIU interest; (2) employ clear, published, content-neutral, and viewpoint-neutral criteria; and (3) provide for ample alternative means of expression Staff – an employee of TAMIU that is not a faculty member Student – an individual currently enrolled at TAMIU, full or part-time, pursuing undergraduate, graduate, or professional studies, including students who were enrolled the previous semester and registered for a future semester Student Organization – any TAMIU-recognized organization that is composed of students enrolled at TAMIU and that receives a benefit from TAMIU Third-Party (External Client) – an individual or entity that is not a student, student organization, or employee of TAMIU Traditional Public Forum – a place, widely recognized in law, which has been intended for the use of the public and has been used for purposes of assembly, communicating thoughts between citizens, and discussing public questions when the principal function of the location would not be disrupted by expressive activity. Examples of traditional public forums include public streets, sidewalks, plazas, lawns, and parks. Contact Office Office of Compliance, 956-326-2855

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