TAMIU Dustdevil Transition New Student Orientation 2024

SAP 08.99.99.L1 EXPRESSIVE ACTIVITY ON CAMPUS Any person is allowed, subject to reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions as determined by TAMIU, to engage in expressive activities on the TAMIU campus, including responding to the expressive activities of others. NATIONAL VOTER REGISTRATION DAY Campus-wide effort to register as many students as possible. Make sure to join us for fun activities! DUSTDEVILS VOTE! 9/17/24 10/21/24 - 11/1/2024 11/5/24 EARLY VOTING Make your voice heard! You can vote on campus at the Western Hemispheric Trade Center! ELECTION DAY If you did not have the chance to vote during the early voting period, you should vote on this day! 19

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