Texas A&M International University

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University President
Ray Marvin Keck, III
            Texas Military Institute 1965
            Princeton University, AB, magna cum laude,
                        Romance Languages and Literatures 1969
                        Ph.D., Romance Languages and Literatures 1978
            Universidad Nacional Autónoma de
                       México, summer program 1966, 1967
            Bryn Mawr College in Madrid, summer program
            Harvard Divinity School, 1968
                        Rockefeller Brothers Fund Fellow 1969-1970
Organ study:
            Mary Krimmel, Westminster Choir College 1965-1978
            Carl Weinrich, Princeton University 1966-1969
            John Ferris, Harvard University 1969-1970
            The Hotchkiss School, Lakeville, CT 1970-1978
                        Instructor in Spanish and Chair, Dept. Of Modern Languages
            Union National Bank of Laredo 1978-1979
                        International Banking Officer
            Laredo State University
                        Asst. Professor of Spanish; Asst. to the Pres. 1979-1983
                        Charged with organizing first program in development
             Episcopal High School, Alexandria, VA 1983-1987
                        Chair, Foreign Language Department; established summer
                        study abroad in Segovia, Spain.
             Potomac School, McLean, VA 1987-1989
                        Chair, Foreign Language Department, K-12; continued
                                    program in Segovia
                        Headed foreign language curricula in grades K-8 and
                                    established foreign language program in grades 9-12
             St Anne's Belfield School, Charlottesville, VA 1989-1993
                        Director, Upper School
                        Charged with the recruitment, hiring, and evaluation of
                                    a secondary school faculty of 50; responsible for all
                                    aspects of preparatory academic program and
                                   college placement
            Texas A&M International University
                        Assoc. Professor of Spanish; Chair, Dept. of Language, Jan. 1994-99
                                    Literature, and Arts
                        Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs 1999-2001
                        President Sept. 2001 -
            "Alma Mater" for Texas A&M International University. 1995.
            "Bach's Legacy: A Musical Offering." American Music Teacher,
            "Cide Hamete, Melquíades, Alba Trueba: Marco narrativo y tema en Cervantes,
                        García Márquez y Allende." Crítica Hispánica, Vol XVIII, Otoño, 1996.
            Love's Dialectic: Mimesis and Allegory in the Romances of Lope de Vega. Romance
                        Monographs. University: University of Mississippi, 1999.
            "Playing for Apollo: The Technical and Aesthetic Legacy of Carl Weinrich." The
                        Diapason, February, 2000.
            I have begun research and outlined a full-scale biography, in English, of Lope deVega.
            "Changing the Blood: Language, Literature, and Teaching." Journal of Hispanic
                        HigherEducation, Vol I, No. 1, January 2002.
Professional Service:
            Council of Public University Presidents and Chancellors
            Council of Chief Executive Officers, The Texas A&M University System
            Council of School Executives for Regents' Initiative for Excellence in Education
            Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Committee for Field of Study
            Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Committee for Transfer--Colleges
                        and Universities
            Association of Texas Colleges and Universities
            American Association of State Colleges & Universities Committee on
                        Teacher Education Member, 2004
            Texas International Education Consortium Finance & Investment Committee
                        Member, 2004-2008
            Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Infrastructure Formula Study
                        Committee Member, 2004-2008
            Advisory Council, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures,
                        Princeton University
            Board of Directors, Texas Council for the Humanities
            Named to Governor's Executive Development Program, fall 2000
            Initiated and organized the university's first program in fine arts.
            Guided the design and installation of a new 21-rank pipe organ in Laredo, and
                        played the dedication recital in September, 1996. This is the third
                        project completed to bring a new pipe organ to a parish in Laredo.
            Elected commencement speaker, TAMIU, December, 1996.
            Revised Spanish curriculum for Texas A&M International University, including
                        Master's of Arts degree in Spanish. Proposal for joint doctorate in
                        Hispanic Studies in the A&M System is nearing completion. 
            Guided the preparation of proposals and presentation to the Texas Higher
                        Education Coordinating Board of eight new degrees for this university.
            Received Toro Award for Distinguished Service, Cigarroa High School, May, 1997.
            Instituted research track for faculty at a university where teaching has been the
                        faculty's dominant responsibility.
            Instituted procedures to ensure proper communication and mentorship by chairs
                        of faculty on probationary status.
            Instituted, together with the Office of Institutional Advancement, the university's
                        first honors program.
            Initiated the University's first Office of Distance Learning.
            Required all faculty to post online syllabi in each course by September, 2001.
            First piloted myself, and then institutionalized a mentorship program for university
                        faculty to guide the development and delivery of Advanced
                        Placement curricula in Laredo schools. This program, the Faculty
                        Fellows, was accepted for participation in a GEAR-UP collaboration
                        involving Texas A&M University, Texas A&M International University,
                        and the Texas Education Agency.
            Presented our Faculty Fellows program to both state and national meetings of
            Initiated a task force now working to finalize a plan for dual language
                        curricula/biliteracy in all Laredo schools.
            Addressed the State Teacher Forum: "Isaiah Berlin, Romanticism, and Teaching,"
                        February, 2000, Dallas, Texas.
            Invited to address conference sponsored by AASCU, February, 2000, on                         
                        international education. Graduation speaker, spring commencement,
                        Cigarroa High School, May, 2000.
            Keynote speaker, annual convention, Texas Foreign Language Association, March
                        30, 2001.
            Assisted in preparation of legislative package and institutional presentation for
                        and 77th legislature.
            Master of ceremonies or speaker for professional organizations and clubs in
                        Laredo, several times each month. Addresses have included a wide variety
                        of topics in literature, education, and the fine arts.
            Keynote Speaker: Río Bravo Association Conference. Texas A&M University - Kingsville
                        April 2, 2004. “Rankings and Ravings: Quality of Life”
            Keynote Speaker: Teacher's Award Ceremony, "Caring for Student Success
                        No Excuses, Just results." Zapata I.S.D., May 14,2004.
            Laredo Junior Achievement, 2004 Laredo Business Hall of Fame
            Diocese of Laredo Catholic Schools, St. Agustine School 2004 Academic Fair
                        Appreciation Award of Participation as a Poetry Judge
            United Way 2004, 2003, 2002 Silver Leadership Award
            State Employee Charitable Campaign 2003 Volunteer of the Year
                        and 2002 Highest Employee Group Recognition and Presentation Award
            Laredo Philharmonic Orchestra 2002-2003 Appreciation Award
            Consejo de Instituciones de Nuevo Laredo 2002 Appreciation Award
            American Heart Walk 2002 Honorary Chair
            Laredo Rotary Club 2001 Paul Harris Fellow Award
            Laredo Lulac Council 2001 Tejano Achievers Award
Professional Memberships:
            Board of Trustees Member
                        Journal of Hispanic Higher Education Advisory Board, 2003
                        Texas State Aquarium Board of Trustees Member, 2004
                        The Hotchkiss School Board of Trustees Member, 2003
            Local Civic Contributions
                        Board of Directors and Founding Chairman, Laredo Philharmonic Orchestra
                        Mercy Ministries of Laredo Board of Trustees Chair, 2004
                        Webb County Heritage Foundation "Republic of the Rio Grande President," 2001-2004
                        Washington's Birthday Celebration Association Parade Marshall, February 2004
                        Laredo Rotary Club Member
Musical experience:
            Organ repertoire includes all the preludes and fugues for organ by J.S. Bach.
            Principal organist, Holy Trinity Church, Georgetown 1985-1989
            Performed organ concertos by Handel, National Gallery Orchestra 1986
            Soloist with Laredo Philharmonic Orchestra, to perform
                        Poulenc's "Concerto for Organ and Strings." 1987
            Featured organ soloist, Virginia Consort, Charlottesville 1992-1994
            Invited to address the American Guild of Organists
                        Centennial Convention, special session
                        devoted to organ pedagogy. July 1996
            Concertized widely in Connecticut, Virginia, and Texas, and
                        the District of Columbia. Works by J.S. Bach,
                        Buxtehude,  Sweelinck, D'Aquin,
                        Mendelssohn, Franck, Vierne,  Hindemith, Pepping.
             Organist and Musical Director, Christ Church Episcopal, Laredo 1995-
            Invited to serve as reviewer for new CD's of the works of
                        J.S. Bach, The Diapason. 2000-
            Who's Who in America Achievement Published Biography
                        58th Ed., 2004
            Married Patricia González Cigarroa
                        Coordinator of Health Services, Laredo Independent School District 2003
                        BA, Rice University, magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa 1976
            Three daughters:
                        Teresa Cigarroa Keck
                                    Class of 2001, University of Texas, Austin,
                                    majoring in Hebrew and Middle Eastern Studies.
                        Joyce Cigarroa Keck
                                    Class of 2002, Harvard University,
                                    majoring in Classics.
                        Lacey Cigarroa Keck
                                    Class of 2006, University of Texas, Austin,
                                    majoring in History/Political Science
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