Posted: 3/28/96

Information Fair "All About TAMIU" Scheduled March 30



Local and area high school, transfer and graduate students will have a chance to learn "All About TAMIU" at a Saturday afternoon information fair scheduled March 30, 1996 at 1 p.m. at Texas A&M International University's new campus in northeast Laredo.

Betty Momayezi, Director of the Office of Enrollment Management and School Relations, said the event is designed as a one-stop shop for information on Texas' newest four-year University.

"We wanted to offer all local and area students and their families an opportunity to spend some time with us and get to know us, our faculty, our programs and our services. It's a great opportunity to get basic questions answered and learn about the University's exciting growth and offerings," she said.

The event is free of charge and space reservations can be made by calling (210) - 326-2272.

The afternoon will begin with a registration session at 1 p.m. on the patio of the Sue and Radcliffe Killam Library. Information tables and exhibits will include representatives from TAMIU's academic areas, student organizations, student support and assistance offices.

Beginning at 2 p.m., participants will have an opportunity to meet with faculty members in their major, Momayezi said.

"We'll have our professors from each of TAMIU's four Colleges on hand to meet with freshman, transfer and graduate students to help them address their concerns or questions about their planned or anticipated field of study," she said.

An afternoon break will follow at 3 p.m. with light refreshments, a chance to revisit information displays and brief campus tours available.

"We're proud of our new, state of the art facilities. Phase I of our campus is complete and Phase II is currently under construction. Our tour will highlight key areas of interest to students," she explained.

After the break, a special session has been scheduled entitled "Getting in, Financing Your Education, Staying in and Being Successful."

"This session is designed as a fast-paced opportunity for students to meet the professionals who will assist them with targeted information on Admissions and Testing, financial aid including grants, loans, scholarships and non-need based on campus student employment and student success skills including study skills, stress and time management strategies, career exploration and job searches, campus life and the advantages accorded those earning a four-year University degree or Masters degree," she said.

Momayezi said "ll About TAMIU" offers students from entering freshmen to graduate students an opportunity to preview Texas A&M International University and encourages all interested to attend.

"This is a terrific event that can answer common questions any prospective student may have. We are committed to providing students with the information they need to make an informed decision about seeking a four-year degree with Texas A&M International University. We encourage all students and their parents or spouses, to join us and find the answers to their questions," she said.

For more information and to reserve space at "All About TAMIU," please contact Momayezi at the Office of Enrollment Management and School Relations at (210) - 326 - 2272.

Office hours are from 8 a.m.- 7 p.m. Monday and Tuesday and 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Wednesday-Friday. A 24-hour information line is available.