TAMIU's International Trade Journal Accepted into Emerging Sources Citation Index

The International Trade Journal (ITJ), a distinguished interdisciplinary peer-reviewed publication focusing on empirical and theoretical research in international trade edited at Texas A&M International University (TAMIU), proudly announces its inclusion in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI).
Dedicated to promoting intellectual interaction on research findings and elevating the discourse on international trade, the ITJ has served as an essential platform for academics, practitioners, and enthusiasts for the past 28 years.
Published by Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC six times a year and managed by the International Trade Institute, a division of TAMIU's Center for the Study of Western Hemispheric Trade (CSWHT), the ITJ regularly delivers the most relevant research contributions in the field.
Under the editorial leadership since 2014 of Dr. George R. G. Clarke, CSWHT director, and Distinguished Professor in the TAMIU A. R. Sanchez, Jr. School of Business, the ITJ has consistently adhered to the highest rigors of publication standards.
Dr. Clarke expressed his enthusiasm about the Journal's inclusion in the ESCI.
"Inclusion in the Emerging Sources Citation Index will ensure that the important research being published in The International Trade Journal will be more visible to scholars and affirms the high quality of the journal," he said.
As the ITJ editor, Dr. Clarke manages the solicitation, collection, peer review, editing, and compilation of works submitted. CSWHT staff assist the editor with the management of the Journal, which includes the receipt and assessment of manuscripts, management of the peer review process, editing of accepted manuscripts, and review of final proofs.
Staff support is primarily provided by Jasmine Speer, editorial assistant, who oversees the day-to-day activities and serves as the main point of contact for authors. Additional support is provided by Amy Palacios, associate director, Jessica M. Cavazos, program specialist, Daniela Rangel, student data and information assistant, and Andrea Martinez Dominguez, student research assistant.
For more information about the ESCI, please visit https://editorresources.taylorandfrancis.com/understanding-research-metrics/esci/.
For more information, please contact Palacios at 956.326.2820, email amy@tamiu.edu or visit offices located in Western Hemispheric Trade Center, room 221A.
Registration for Summer and Fall 2024 at TAMIU is now underway. View the registration schedule here: https://www.tamiu.edu/registrar/registration
To learn more about the University’s Registration processes, visit the dedicated Registration Hub at https://go.tamiu.edu/registration.
Summer Semester II begins Monday, July 8, 2024. The first day of classes for the Fall 2024 semester is Monday, Aug. 26, 2024.
More of the University’s story is available on its social media channels: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube and online at tamiu.edu.