
We strive to keep you informed and engaged with the most relevant news, updates and announcements that impact our faculty members and the academic community as a whole. You will also find current and previous resolutions and statements issued by the Faculty Senate.


In 2020-2021, the Senate voted on and approved two resolutions regarding COVID-era protocols. Below are links to these two documents in pdf form:

On April 1, 2022 during the regular Faculty Senate meeting the Senate voted on and approved drafting a statement in defense of academic freedom and a resolution on academic freedom and tenure. Below are links to these two documents in pdf form:


Reporting Academic Dishonesty

  • Go to Report It
  • Click on Academic Dishonesty

Gather supporting documents

  • Syllabus
  • Assignment Instructions
  • Assignment being reported
  • Academic Dishonesty Policies
  • Turnitin Report (if applicable)
  • Proctoring Videos (if applicable)

Helpful tips:

  • Provide as much documentation as you can.
  • Be detailed in your syllabus or assignment instructions concerning academic dishonesty.
  • Consider including the maximum similarity percentage you will allow on Turnitin.
  • Follow up if the Office of Student Conduct has questions.