
Director's Message

On behalf of the men and women of the Texas A&M International University (TAMIU) Police Department, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the University Police web site. As a full-service police department, we are committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all students, faculty, staff, and visitors. Police officers patrol the campus on police bicycles, golf carts, police vehicles and on foot and are charged with enforcing University policies as well as local, state and federal regulations.

Our mission is to provide the University community with a safe and secure learning and working environment by providing the highest quality police services, which include prompt response, availability of officers and informational and instructional services.

Safety and security are both personal and shared responsibilities. The police department has services in place to promote an environment that is as crime-free as possible. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with these services and take advantage of them to help make your educational, working, visiting and living experience at the University as enjoyable and crime-free as possible.

Chief Cordelia Perez

Feel free to browse this site, to acquaint yourself with our department and the services that we provide. Perhaps you might assist us by providing suggestions for improving safety on campus in other ways. We encourage you to contact us at 956-326-2100 for additional information on programs and services.

I hope you will find this web site both helpful and informative.

Texas A&M International University Police Department
Emergency Phone 956.326.2911 -
Non-Emergency Phone 956.326.2100
University Police Department Building
E-Mail to:
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