

TAMIU’s 49-hour doctoral degree includes 22 hours of required coursework: CRIJ 6101*, CRIJ 6302*, CRIJ 6303*, CRIJ 6340*, CRIJ 6304, CRIJ 6361, CRIJ 6351, CRIJ 6390, six hours of research portfolio (CRIJ 6396 and 6397), and six hours of dissertation (CRIJ 6398 and 6399).

All required courses are provided in Table 1. The remaining hours are elective courses selected from the doctoral program’s offerings. Students can choose electives from a list of homeland security-centered courses in addition to traditional criminal justice courses. To complete the degree of study, 15 hours of elective coursework must be taken in any combination. All course electives are provided in Table 2.

Table 1. Course of Study
Year Semester Course Prefix/number Course Title Course Hours
1 1* CRIJ 6101 Proseminar in Criminal Justice 1
  1* CRIJ 6302 Advanced Research Methods in Criminal Justice 3
  1* CRIJ 6303 Advanced Statistics I 3
  1* CRIJ 6340 Seminar in Criminological Theory 3
1 2 CRIJ 6304 Advanced Qualitative Methods 3
  2 CRIJ 6361 Program and Policy Evaluation in Criminal Justice 3
  2 CRIJ 6390 Teaching Seminar 3
2 3 CRIJ 6351 Criminal Law and Procedure 3
  3 Elective 1 Elective—see Table 2 3
  3 Elective 2 Elective—see Table 2 3
2 4 Elective 3 Elective—see Table 2 3
  4 Elective 4 Elective—see Table 2 3
  4 Elective 5 Elective—see Table 2 3
3 5** CRIJ 6396 Research Portfolio I 3
  6** CRIJ 6397 Research Portfolio II 3
4 7** CRIJ 6398 Dissertation I 3
  8** CRIJ 6399 Dissertation II 3
Total       49

*The four courses in the first semester are delivered face-to-face, with all classes held on weekends.
**Students must meet with faculty once a semester to ensure continued progress toward the degree.

Table 2. Total PhD Course Electives
Course Prefix/Number Course Title
CRIJ 6305 Advanced Statistics II
CRIJ 6306 Advanced Mixed Methods
CRIJ 6307 Seminar in Corrections
CRIJ 6308 Contemporary Criminal Justice Issues
CRIJ 6309 Seminar in Law Enforcement
CRIJ 6311 Neighborhoods, Crime, and Mapping
CRIJ 6320 Homeland Security
CRIJ 6321 Human Trafficking and Smuggling
CRIJ 6325 Cybercrime
CRIJ 6330 Immigration and Crime
CRIJ 6335 Advanced Topics in Victimology
CRIJ 6355 Intelligence Gathering
CRIJ 6356 Terrorism
CRIJ 6357 International Criminal Court
CRIJ 6365 Criminal Justice Management
CRIJ 6391 Special Topics in Criminal Justice

For more information, contact Criminal Justice co-directors Dr. Daniel Scott (daniel.scott@tamiu.edu, 956.326.2626) and Dr. Fei Luo (fei.luo@tamiu.edu, 956.326.2622).


Department of Social Sciences
Academic Innovation Center 313
Phone: 956.326.2475 | Email: brenda.martinez@tamiu.edu