
Federally Funded Program by the U.S. Department of Education


Available to eligible undergraduate students of all majors

Program Services: Tutoring, Counseling, Academic Coaching and more!

Apply Today!

Helping students succeed since 2001

Once in TRiO, always in TRiO!

Student Photo

Eligibility Criteria

TRiO participants must be a citizen or national of the United States or meet the residency requirements for federal student financial assistance. Participants must also be BOTH:

1. A currently enrolled or accepted TAMIU student in need of academic support


2. An individual who is low-income, first-generation and/or with a documented disability


According to the Department of Education (2021), a first-generation student is defined as:

1. A student neither of whose natural or adoptive parents received a baccalaureate degree;


2. A student who, prior to the age of 18, regularly resided with and received support from only one parent and whose supporting parent did not receive a baccalaureate degree;


3. An individual who, prior to the age of 18, did not regularly reside with or receive support from a natural or an adoptive parent.

Services & Benefits

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Academic Tutoring

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Academic Coaching

Checklist Icon


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Early Registration & Class Scheduling

Award Icon

Summer Scholarships

Briefcase Icon

Job Shadowing & Leadership Opportunities

Ellipsis Icon

And much more!

Application Process

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1. Complete PDF Application

Fill in a simple application and submit via email

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2. Participate in an Informal Interview

Join in a relaxed interview to get to know you better

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3. Sign other required Paperwork

Swing by our office and get other paperwork signed

Applications accepted all year-round

Application Priority deadlines

Fall/Spring/Summer: Two weeks before first class day

TRio Staff

Leticia Cruz

Program Director
Leticia Cruz, M.A.

25+ Years of Academic Work Experience
First-Generation College Graduate
Fun Fact: "Loves Rod Stewart and Cindy Lauper"

Ana Manrique

Professional Counselor
Ana Manrique, M.A.

5+ Years of Counseling Experience
First-Generation College Graduate
Fun Fact: "I love Zumba"

Lyanne Hinojosa

Administrative Associate
Lyanne Hinojosa
5+ years of Administrative Work Experience
Fun Fact: " I enjoy In-door Cycling"


TRiO offers FREE individual or group tutoring to all program participants

Quality tutoring is available in a variety of subjects, including:

English, History, Math, Science and most college level courses!

Meet Our Tutors and Academic Coach

Yaritza Alejandro

Yaritza Alejandro

Major: Biology (Pre-Med)

Favorite Subject: Microbiology Lab

Beth Garcia

Beth Garcia

Double Major: Political Science and Sociology

Favorite Subject: Social Welfare and Human Service

Kathy Salinas

Kathy Salinas

Major: Multidisciplinary

Favorite Subject: Sociology

Eduardo Martinez

Eduardo Martinez

Major: Computer Engineer

Favorite Subject: Electrical Engineering

TRiO tutors are selected based on their strong academic background as well as through an application process involving an interview with the TRiO staff.

Tutoring can be an important key to establishing basic study skills and surviving challenging courses. In fact, many TRiO graduates credit our tutoring to their academic success!

Please contact the TRiO office for more information about tutor availability.


TRiO provides engagement opportunities through on-campus events,

academic conferences and other social gatherings

Read more about each opportunity below

The STAR Club is involved in numerous community service projects throughout the academic year and are very active in TAMIU campus activities. Every TRiO Program participant is automatically invited to join the club and invited to join in all of the club's activities. The club also hosts several fundraisers during the school year and awards scholarships to qualified program and club participants at the end of each academic year.

2023-2024 STAR Club Officers

President: Denise Yanez
Vice President: Open Position
Secretary: Open Position
PR: Laura Vega
Treasurer: Lessly Davila
Risk Manager: Rick Cruz

TAMIU Eclipse 2024
Eclipse 2024
Eclipse 2024
Halloween Fest
TAMIU - Maroon Madness
Maroon Madness
Maroon Madness

TAMIU First- Gen Week the STAR Club participated along with other clubs at the Student Center Rotanda. The STAR Club enjoys inviting students to become new members and introducing the great benefits of being part of their team.

TAMIU - First-Gen Week
First Gen Week
TAMIU - The BIG Event 2023
Make A Difference Day
Make A Difference
Thanksgiving Luncheon
Thanksgiving Lunch
Spring Fundraiser
Spring Fundraiser
Spring Fundraiser

UnidosUS Annual Conference

The UnidosUS Annual Conference is the largest gathering of its kind in the Hispanic community, serving as the meeting ground for over 23,000 community organization leaders, activists, and volunteers; elected and appointed officials; members of the corporate, philanthropic, and academic communities, senior citizens, college students, and youth.

Future Changemakers is a pathway that brings together hundreds of college students to exchange ideas and learn about issues affecting their communities, such as higher education, career development, financial literacy, and advocacy. The event nurtures leadership development through hands-on workshops and provides an avenue for youth to network and meet students from across the nation. The 2024 UnidosUS Conference will be held in Las Vegas, Nevada July 15- 17, 2024.

UnidosUS Annual Conference Chicago 2023!

Annual Awards Dinner

TRiO's annual awards dinner was held on September, 2023 in the Western Hemisphere Trade Center; the year's theme was Western. During the awards dinner, the students and alumni are acknowledged for their active participation in TRiO, STAR Club, and for their academic achievement.

Annual Awards Dinner
Annual Awards Dinner 2023
Annual Awards Dinner 2023
Annual Awards Dinner 2023
Annual Awards Dinner 2023 Annual Awards Dinner 2023 Annual Awards Dinner 2024
Annual Awards Dinner 2023 Annual Awards Dinner 2023 Annual Awards 2023
Annual Awards 2023 Annual Awards Dinner Annual Awards Dinner
Annual Awards Dinner Annual Awards Dinner Annual Awards Dinner 2023
Annual Awards Dinner Annual Awards Dinner 2023 Annual Awards Dinner

TAMIU-President's Volunteer Service Awards (PVSA)

TRiO members recieved recognition for comminuty engament and volunteer hours.

TAMIU University PVSA
Life Awards
Life Awards

Graduation Ceremony

TAMIU TRiO Graduation medals are given out to the graduating seniors and are worn during the graduating ceremonies.

Congratulations to our TRiO Spring Graduates, Class of 2024!
SP 24 Grad Pic.
SP 24 Grad SP 24 Grad S24 Grad
SP 24 SP24 SP24 Grad

TAMIU First-Gen Cording Ceremony

Texas A&M International University (TAMIU) celebrates the achievements of its first-generation students, faculty, and staff. First-Generation (First-Gen) students are defined as individuals with parents who have not earned a four-year degree. At TAMIU, that's over 64% of the student body. First-Gen students are charting a new future that is bring generational change. First-Gen cords are awarded to graduation candidates at a special ceremony in their honor.

TAMIU First-Gen Cording Ceremony Spring 2024
1st gen cording
1st gen cording
1st gen cording
1st gen cording
1st gen cording
1st gen cording

Dusty Camps - Freshman Orientations

Every summer, TAMIU holds several Dusty Camps that help new incoming freshmen learn everything about TAMIU. During these Dusty Camps, all offices have an opportunity to speak to students to provide more information at the Resource Fair hosted by the SOLE office.

Dusty Camps - Freshman Orientations
Dusty Camp 2022
Dusty Camp 2022
Dusty Camp
Dusty Camp
Welcoming Week - Spring 2023
Welcoming Week 23 Welcoming Week 2023 Welcoming Week 2023

Frequently Asked Questions

Funded through a Discretionary/Competitive Grant from the U. S. Department of Education, the TRiO Program provides opportunities for academic development, assist students with basic college requirements, and motivates students toward the successful completion of their postsecondary education. The goal of TRiO is to increase the college retention and graduation rates of its participants.

Services include:

  • Academic support and guidance.
  • Tutoring - one-on-one or small groups.
  • Workshops - topics include study abroad, graduate school financial literacy, financial aid (assistance with scholarship searchers), career services (including resume assistance and interviewing skills).
  • Campus engagement/connections.
  • Social enrichment events including plays and/or dance performances.
  • "Grade Watchers" - Tutors

Yes! All services provided by the TRiO Program are absolutely free.

The TRiO application is simple! Complete the TRiO application, provide income verification- such as IRS 1040 (Parents and Student), and demonstrate academic need.

Students who have a documented disability must provide verification from the Office of Student Counseling and Disability Services.

Once accepted into the TRiO Program, participants remain in the program until they graduate from TAMIU or transfer to another college or university.

No, once accepted you do not have to reapply.

No, you are not a first-generation student and do not qualify for the program.

Yes, you are a first-generation student because your parent(s) do not have a baccalaureate degree.

Visit our office in the second floor of the Zaffirini Student Success Center suite 222, or call us at 956.326.2718, or email the program director at leticia.cruz@tamiu.edu or TRiO's counselor at anak.manrique@tamiu.edu

We are located in the second floor of Senator Judith Zaffirini Student Success Center (ZSC) 222.

Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Late office hours are available only by appointment.


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Senator Judith Zaffirini Student Success Center (ZSC) 222

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Office Hours

Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

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